
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

He Loves My Body, But Does He Love Me?

My husband love
sex. I give it to him often, but I don't enjoy it. Why? Because I feel he doesn't love me.
Each afternoon when we arrive home from work, I want to talk with him. I want to tell him all about my day, and I want to hear about his.  But he aske\s me no questions and shows no interest in what I've been doing or how I'm feeling.  Instead of talking with me, he tells me: "Bring me tea!" and "Make that kid be quiet!"
Then when we get into bed, he eants me to feel sexy.  I give him sex, but my heart is not in it_ because I knw he doesn't care about me. He just enjoys using my body to satisfy himself.
He finishes in only two minutes.  Then he immediately falls asleep. And I feel like crying because I realise: My husband thinks I'm a body with no person inside.
Often I ask myself, "Why does he hide his thoughts from me? Why doesn't he ever ask my thoughts and feelings?"
Does he love me?

Can you help this woman out?
What is your advise for her?

Selected article.
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Friday, September 11, 2015

Purpose Rules Problems

Hello, how do you do today?
Do you know that purpose rules problems?  In life a man or a woman will be pre-occupied with either of the two at a time but not both.
What do I mean? The psalmist says "I have set the Lord always before me, because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." You would agree with me that a life that is committed to God and his purpose cannot be hindered by problems. Jesus says come unto me all ye that labors and are heavily laden, he promises to give rest. 
He now says "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". When God gives us assignment to do, he makes sure he backs you up to do it. There is the saying that an idle hand is the Devils workshop. When you are busy with purpose, you don't have time for things that will draw problems into your life.
Say on Mon, you go on evangelism. On Tue you attend church meeting. On Wed, you fast and pray; on Thursday, you attend church meeting. On Fri, you go for all night. On sat you go for departmental meeting in the church, then on Sunday you go for the worship service. Now tell me, what time do you have to do things that the devil will take advantage of you through?

However, it is not the religious activities that matter but focus on purpose and God-given assignment.
Purpose rules problems. If you do not want to spend your life battling problems, embrace purpose.   
Prayer mountains today are full of people who wants problems solved but would not do something worthwhile for God. When God saves you, the next thing is service not idleness.
When you embrace purpose, all other things in life especially marriage partner falls in place.
Thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Welcome to September. Wish you a wonderful month ahead.

Monday, August 3, 2015

God is Committed to His Purpose

I will like to ask you and I this question. Are you as committed to God's purpose as He is committed to it? God is a God of purpose.  He created all things with an intention including mankind.
He says he has created man that he might show His glory. Did you hear that?
You and I am meant to show the stuff God is made up of. God should be able to look from heaven as say 'I am proud of Jide', 'I am proud of ............(put your name).
As we know the true satisfaction in life is when we know that what we are or what we are becoming is exactly what is in the mind of God.  There is a sense of fulfilment that only God can give us. No amount of money, fame, power can satisfy it.
Have you and I found our purpose yet? Are we living daily in the light of it.
I leave you with this question.
Till another time, live a purposeful life because God is committed only to HIS PURPOSE.


Here is my favorite verses in the bible and I would to share it with you.

1.Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

What is your favorite verse(s) of the bible. Share to let me know.

Friday, July 17, 2015

What You Need to Know about Christian Courtship

Hello, I found this article somewhere and I want to share it with you. Read and get more wisdom on courtship.


This Is An Excerpt From A Book Written By Bro Gbile Akanni Titled “Building A Fulfilling Marital Relationship” And It Goes Thus: Marriage Is Originally God’s Idea And He Alone Knows The Partner, The Uniquely Suitable Partner He Has Prepared For Each Of His Children. It Is Very Important To Pray Therefore For God’s Leading And Choice Before Making A Move To Propose To A Christian Sister Or To Agree With A Christian Brother In Marriage. However, It Is Very Clear In The Scriptures That A Child Of God Should Not Marry An Unbeliever.

Having Made The Right Choice, The Next Stage Is That Of Courtship. At The Point When A Christian Sister And Brother Mutually Confirm To Each Other The Leading Of God In Their Hearts As Future Marriage Partners, The Period Of Courtship Begins. Again, A Christian Courtship Is The Time-Gap Between The Day Of Agreement Of A Brother And Sister Regarding God’s Leading For Marriage To

Each Other, And The Day Of Wedding When The Revelation Is Practically Fulfilled.



Abstain From Fornication. Your Partner Is God’s Property, God’s Temple; So Are You. Do Not Go Beyond Boundaries. Treat Each Other As A Brother And As A Sister With All Purity.

Anyone Who Defiles The Temple Of God, Him Shall God Destroy. This Period Is To Prove Your Faithfulness. Do Not Use Your Today To Spoil Your Tomorrow. Be Holy Even As Your Heavenly Father Is Holy.


Christian Courtship Is Not A Period For Idleness And Redundancy. It Is A Period Of Conscious Preparation Of The Two Lives For The Call Of Marriage. These Can Be Achieved

Through Personal And Corporate Study Of God’s Word And Prayers Combined With Very Sincere, Honest And Open Discussions


(a) Discuss How The Period Of Courtship Can Be Used And Focused To Achieve God’s Purpose Of Helping The Man To Accomplish The Work Committed Unto His Hands By The Lord. Prayers Must Be Made Throughout Courtship And It Is Often Amazing To Discover While Praying And Discussing With Each Other That The Call That God Revealed And Placed On The Brother Is The Same As That Of The Sister. That Further Confirms God’s Leading More Strongly In Your Hearts Towards Each Other.

(b) How Can We Use The Period Of Courtship To Prepare For Childbearing? It Is During Courtship That Any Previous Lifestyle That May Affect Childbearing Should Be Discussed With Each Other As Children Of Light. It Is Dangerous To Hide Such Things At This Point Only To Open It Up After Wedding. Prayerfully

Discuss With And Forgive Each Other. It May Shake Your Relationship Is Born Of God, It Will

Overcome The Shaking.

(c) Using Courtship Time In Preparing To Produce Godly Seed. God Desires That Each Christian Home Will Bring Forth Godly Seed,

Not Seeds That Will Multiply Iniquity On Earth.

More Importantly, There Is A “Godly Seed” That God Desires, A Unique Offspring; Something Godly Springing Forth From Your

Marriage. This A Project. Pray And Prepare Towards Satisfying The Desire Of God. And If Both Of You Are Able To Know It And Understand It Early In Courtship, Start Preparing For Its Fulfillment.

(d) Prepare Yourselves Towards Handling Of Finances And Other Resources: Discuss Prayerfully And Agree On How To Handle Finances In Your Home. Pray And Start Practicing This Even If On A Small Scale Without Necessarily Having A Joint Bank Account.

This Is All I’ll Be Sharing On This But If You Really Want To Know Everything Concerning Christian Courtship And Even Those Relating

On How To Discuss And Prepare Towards Having Complete Sexual Satisfaction In Marriage, How To Handle Visits And Outings, When To Get Your Pastors And People Who Oversee Your Lives Spiritually, Christian Wedding, Etc.


Friday, July 10, 2015

The Love of God Constrains Us

Hello there, have you ever considered how powerful the love of God is?
The sacrificial love, the kind that is selfless and genuine.
This is the kind of love God asks us to live by everyday of our lives.  
2 Cor 5 vs 14 says For the love of Chris constrains us. Another version puts it this way: For Christ's love compels us. On our own, we would do what seems right in our sight.
However, when we receive the love of God into our hearts our actions and thoughts become guided by the love of Christ. In other words, our motivation switches from selfishness to love-motivated.
Check what you do today and ask yourself; Is it self-motivated or Christ love-motivated?
Would Christ have died for me and you if not for the love that compelled him to leave his glory and became flesh? Love in action!
Would God forgive us our terrible acts when we ask for forgiveness if not for his love that passes human understanding?
Friends, there is a wake-up call to accept the love of Christ and live by it. While there are many things that have replaced people's love for God: money, women, fashion, beauty, power, fame and fortune. God's eyes still run to and fro through the entire world to see who will embrace his love.
Let it be me and you that God would still find among the multitude. 

Further reading: John 3

Love this article, do share with others.

James's Indifference; Lois's Pain

Are you in love with your lady (fiancee) and you have been excited loving her but all of a sudden your love and excitement to see her, chat with her or call her died? Well you are not alone. Or are you a lady and your man is not as interested again, well don't give up. Just read this.

James (not real name) will be 30 in a couple of months. He works in the bank and he is in a loving relationship with Lois (nrm) who is a pharmacist working in another town. 
Both of them are Christians and are committed to serving God. 
They have been courting for 2 years and have kept their chastity with each other.

However, in recent times Lois discovers that James's attention for her have reduced. His twice-a-day calls have reduced to once in three days. He used to initiate a chat with her on bbm but now she has to ping him before he talks.
Their communication became more like a chore rather than a pleasurable exchange of information between lovers.
This continued for sometime and was of a great concern to Lois.
Lois had on several occasions tried to solve this sudden lost of interest and indifference she observed with her love but all to no avail.  In fact, her attempts have turned to arguments rather than proffering a solution.

James on the other hand knew his attitude to Lois had changed dramatically from good to worse and was getting worse daily. His feelings for his fiancee was not what he used to have when they started.
But sadly enough, he could not explain why it was so.  He just hoped things would be okay by itself.

Mainwhile their prayer and bible study life has also been negatively imparted partly due to their inability to see frequently

One day, Lois decided to engage James in an unusual chat to know what exactly was going on in James's life and thought pattern. She had to remind James of their promise to each other to always communicate issues and not to hold back anything.
To their surprise, the discuss became so hot as James began to fire words at Lois about her weaknesses, lack of good judgement, incompetence among other things.
Lois almost cried her heart out hearing those words of attack from James her fiance.  The question on her mind was why did James not bring up the issue for a talk all the while his attitude changed.

Lois felt really bad.  She felt worthless and useless to her fiance and in a relationship that is 2 years old with marriage in view.

However, the incident imparted so much on James too that he had to come back to himself and ask how on earth he could speak so roughly to his cherished fiancee.  He asked himself what has really gone wrong.
He had a prick in his heart. God told him of how important Lois was to his life and purpose,
And should in case Lois leave, he would have to pay for it.
The fear of such warning gripped his heart that he had to repent of his acts and changed his attitude to Lois,
James decided to leave his busy schedules to visit Lois in her town where she works. He had to apologise for what happened over the chat and promised to change for the better.

Lois was so happy about this that she renewed her commitment to James to help me achieve all that God has called him to do.
And their relationship continued happily for another 5 months after which they got wedded.

James constantly studies the word of God to renew his mind so it does not harbour wrong thoughts against his wife. Lois also studies the word so she can continue to respect James for who he is.

That is the end of the story.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Dr Myles Munroe on The Myth Of Singleness

Dr Myles Munroe talks about the Myth of Singleness. That is the one of his most famous messages.  I am putting it here for those who have not listened to it. I have listened to it and it has blessed me trememdously. In it you find what to do as a single while waiting.
You will also find what being single actually mean. With no much ado, click the video and watch.
If you like the post, please share with others; also make your comments in the box below.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Couple Feature:The Olugbogis

Ben Olugbogi....Lovers' Corner
Lovers' Corner: Can we meet you?

I am Dr. Olugbogi Benjamin Adebayo happily married to Dr. (Mrs) OlugbogiAbisolaoluwa Mary

Lovers' Corner:  What do you do?

  I’m a Medical doctor working in Nisa Premier Hospital Abuja (Paediatric dept)

    Lovers' Corner: What is the name of your spouse?

Olugbogi Abisolaoluwa Mary

Bisola Olugbogi.....lovers' Corner
Bisola and Ben... Lovers' corner
Lovers' Corner: How did you meet  her?

 Bisola was one of my foundation school students in church.
 was also a good academic tutor and she happened to 
 one of the beneficiaries of my teaching grace.
I noticed her, we became friends, then partners in

Lovers' Corner:What attracted you to her?

    She was always punctual and very diligent as my student.
never took her academics lightly.
Her speech was impeccable and she was very hospitable
I also want to say that her beauty is second to none.

Ben and Bisola....Lovers' corner
Lovers' Corner:
Why did you 
eventually choose 
her among other ‘better qualified’  friends?

Apart from being a medical professional, I knew I was called into the ministry. I believe this is the most important and discovering she is a ministry gift was a great blessing.
She’s still a blessing to me. Her virtue, meekness, diligence, beauty and simplicity reinforced my conviction about her

 Lovers' Corner: Can you share with us what it means to love and be loved by someone?

We can’t talk about love without talking about God. God is love.
To know what it takes to love, look at the way God love us. He gave us His best while we were still sinners. That’s what love is all about. To love is to carry out your responsibilities as enshrined in the marriage contract irrespective of what your partner does or feels.
More than a feeling, love is an action. There is no genuine love without expression.
The same way faith grows by speaking, love also grows by speaking/declaration/expression.
Couples (including intending couples) should cultivate the habit of exchanging declarations such as: I love you, you are the best, you mean so much to me, e.t.c

Lovers' Corner: Have you ever had disagreements, if yes how did you resolve it?

 Let me start by saying there’s no relationship without challenges but what we do to address the situation is what makes the difference.
Immediately we started our relationship, we agreed to always resolve every issue before the end of the day. We don’t sleep with grudges. We take God’s word as the final authority as well as the standard in resolving every conflict/challenge. We are also submitted to a mentor for settling any challenge we can’t resolve between ourselves. Thank God there has never been any of such.

Lovers' Corner: Many singles today are worried about how to prepare for a wedding and marriage. How did you prepare for your  wedding and what practical things did you do to ensure its success?

Marriage is a God’s idea not man’s. If it’s God’s idea, then I don’t have to worry about how to execute it. I only need to depend on Him to guide me to have a glorious home.

While marriage is for a lifetime, wedding is for a day. Start with prayer and the word. Get a workable budget, prioritize and depend on the Spirit to guide you as you prepare.

I will also say it’s a must for the man to have a stable job as well as a place of abode before getting married. Other things can follow; take a step at a time.

Lovers' Corner:    What would your family be known for, your vision and mission?

 It’s our desire to have a godly home where the LOVE of God can literally be felt in the atmosphere. We are doers of God’s word, we walk in love and we believe all things are possible as we go on our knees.

Lovers' Corner:  How do you plan balancing family with work since work is going to be a major part of your life?

11. Both aspects (family and work) are important. Man is created to handle multiple tasks at the same time. I believe the grace of God is sufficient for every child of God to strike a balance either as a husband or wife. Wisdom is also required to prioritize things to do per time.
Bisola and Ben....Lovers' corner

Lovers' Corner: What is your favorite scripture?

 Phil. 4:6 Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make your requests known unto God.

Lovers' Corner: How do you plan bringing up your children in the way of the Lord?

We want them trained by the principles of the word of God. We intend to expose them early to God’s word and monitor their growth in the spirit.

Lovers' Corner: Finally, what is your advice for singles who admire you and would one day get married?

 My advice is for them to maximize this moment, they should devote their time to walk with the Lord and serve Him. They should involve God when it comes to choosing a life partner. Don’t be carried away by ephemeral things; rather, allow the Spirit of God to assist you in locating eternal values and treasures in people that matter. We have this treasure in earthen vessel that the excellency of power may be of God and not of us (2Cor.4:7)

A godly home worth more than money, gold or anything that may be compared with it.
 Please share this if you are inspired so others can be inspired too.

Do you have an inspirational relationship and you want your family featured please contact the editor, Lovers' Corner on 08108300838 or email to

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Bride and The Bridegroom

'Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. 
That he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish. So aught men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church. For we are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let everyone of you in particular so love his wife as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband' EPHESIANS 5:22-33 KJV

This scriptural passage gives us insight into the relationship between two set of people 1.relationship between the husband (bridegroom)and the wife(bride) 2.relationship between Christ(bridegroom) and the church(bride) A bride is a woman who is going to marry or who has just married and a bridegroom is a man who is going to marry or just got married. 
There is a need to look into the relationship between these individuals and to know the responsibilities laid on both parties in the relationship. The bridegroom implies the grooming of the bride and the bride, the one to be groomed or receive grooming. Grooming means to care for one's appearance, hygiene and clothing or an act of teaching someone so that the person can advance in a specific area or areas. Although there are other definitions of grooming but would like to discuss these two as relating to the bride and bridegroom. 

God expects a man that is about to get or married or a married man to take care and groom his bride/ wife. He is saddled with the responsibility to present her to himself and make sure that she is fit for the purpose why she has been designed by God. The period of courtship or betrothal is to serve this purpose. A wife is designed to be a help suitable to her own husband but she needs to be schooled in this responsibility although god has fashioned her to fit into this role but she needs to be taught. 
The man she is betrothed to has to take her through what it means to be suitable for him but this is only possible when they are both submitted to God their maker and her yielded to the holy spirit who actually knows the grooming process and does it through the word of God. 
If a man tries to groom his bride with his own wisdom, he will fail woefully because he is yet to even fully understand himself or who is suitable for him. Jesus Christ has laid down the example that we ought to follow in the way he grooms his brides the Church) in fact he gave himself for his bride for the purpose of Sanctification and cleansing to give a glorious church-not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing that it should be holy and without blemish. A bride cannot be glorious if she doesn’t go through the process of removing excesses and cleansing( to remove impurities). 

When you stand in front of a mirror during a physical grooming, you see whether the look that was your aim before you started has been achieved or not; whether that picture in your mind has become a reality. If there are still some parts that are not conforming to that picture, you make the necessary adjustment. 

Our mirror is the word of God, when we look into the word of God and we see something in our lives that is not conforming to the word, the grooming continues until we become like him and God can showcase us to his father at the marriage supper of the lamb. As much as responsibility is laid on the bridegroom to groom the bride, the bride needs to be submissive to the grooming process, she must bring herself subject so that she can become presentable at the end of the process. 

Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be subject to their own husbands. It is when the rule of submission is in place that the grooming process can be successful. When the husband loves the wife as his own body, he will care for it and nourish it, give her all that it takes to be all that god wants her to be and she will be able to satisfy her husband. Much more than in the context of marriage, Jesus wants to groom us, he is in fact in the process of grooming and what he expects from us is submission.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


You are going to be the same in 5 years time except for two things: The books that you read and the friends that you keep..... Charles 'Tremendous' Jones


Hello, you are so lovely today. Thanks for coming around.

Let me share this quote with you. It is from my Spiritual father,Rev. Olusola Areogun.
'The relationship that GOD brings into your life should make you stronger and fit for the purpose of GOD and not tear you apart.' Emphasis mine.

Hmm. Ponder on that and you can learn something from it too.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Two Gifts Women Have That Men Can't Stand

Hello there, I will like to share this based on my observation and the wisdom that can be found in it. 
The time when men overlook their women is over. Women are known to have evolved far beyond their traditional role of cooking and raising children.
They now take responsibilities that were once supposedly to be men's.
This is in no way downplaying a man's role in the society but to see what natural gifts women has that gives them an advantage.
Although, there is no basis for comparing men and women, it will be good to look into women's inherent abilities. They are designed for a purpose.

Firstly, the gift of the mouth.  This is a natural gift that men see in women and they can't match.  Men sometimes conclude in their mind that that is the only thing women have and nothing more. 

However, there is something more to it that can ever be imagined.  It is beyond reason and since men find it difficult to embrace something beyond reason.

Women's verbal complexity is really an advantage that men can not unravel.  
Ability to report situations with details, ease of establishing relationships are just few of the credits that can be given to this gift.

In marketing, this gift is so wonderful that employers commonly employ ladies for this purpose. 
This may not be true of all women though but applies to most women.  While some women have actually harnessed this gift creatively, Oprah Winfrey, being a good example,some have failed to do so.
Unfortunately, for men that are surrounded by women who are not using this gift well, their conclusion will be that women have the gift of the mouth but not for creativity.

Secondly, the gift of the brain.  I personally think that someone who is gifted in words must also be gifted in brain which controls speech. The ability to think fast is what women has that still baffles men. The the wiring of women's brain is complex, so they can multi-task than men.  In today's labour market, which skill is in high demand if not the ability to multi-task?
You  get my point.  Women can no longer be overlooked.  Who would overlook women that are now increasingly taking up leadership positions in companies, government establishments, religious institutions etc.
I work with a large company owned by a woman who equally has investments in other business. It is just one of the many companies in the industry owned by a woman. And this list extends to other industries in the country.

The number of Fortune 500 women increased between 1998 and 2014 as reported by This is no surprise as it only proves that evolution that women are undergoing.  This is a challenge that men need to adjust to and not to resist. What I believe is that these women are assets to men who gets married to them.  Men should not see them as competitors as they are not one. Men need to develop capacities and relevance if they must not feel inferior.

Despite women's gifts and special abilities, men that has developed capacities and relevance will always have a place and relevance wherever they are. Men's leadership cannot be substituted for anything and this starts from the home.  
Surely men cannot stand these gifts, however they can make use of it to complement themselves. A man's wisdom doesn't lie in competing with a woman but establishing a relationship that would make the woman easily want to corporate for the purpose of achieving a goal.  Such goals can be personal or corporate.

Thanks for reading. Please remember to add your comments in the box below.

For contact purpose:
Jide Alo

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A hunter or a gardner Part 2

Hello readers, thanks for taking your time to read the concluding part of this topic I started some weeks ago.
So I am still talking about what a man becomes in the process of time with regards to how he handles his fiancee or wife. Whether he is becoming a hunter or a gardener.
Whichever one he becomes in the process of time will be evident in his partner.

Segun and Dayo were friends and they got into relationship about thesame time.
While Segun was loving God and nurturing his fiancee in the way of the Lord and giving her attention when she needed it, Dayo was always seeing fault in what her fiancee does. He does not show her good leadership, neither did he bring out the best out of his fiancee.

After both of them had been married, Segun and his wife were committed to God, so were their children. Segun's wife is loving to all including unlovable in-laws.
However, Dayo's wife has become unloving and contentious in the house. Not willing to be committed to the things of God. The house is always 'hot'. The children are confused.
Many things had gone wrong down the lane. 
These happened to Dayo's home as a result of the man he became. A hunter.
Hunters dont get more than what they get at the moment they kill their game.
On the other hand, a gardner invests in what he has at hand and wait until the time he will begin to have 'return on his investment'. His investment attracts praise, glory and commendation.

The grace of God is available for every man who will choose to be a gardner today. 
The kind of man God wanted Adam to be. God helps the man with weaknesses who come before him surrendered. 
To all men reading this, may God help you to become all what He has planned that you become.
Please share your thoughts at the comments box. 

Jide Alo

Thursday, May 14, 2015


The only thing perfect about marriage is the airbrushed wedding photo... Anonymous.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Laws of Marriage(8)

When a man marries wrong, 80% of his life is gone and the same applies to a woman. This is the reason everyone, married or single must pay attention to the laws of marriage.  Do research on them, study more about them and pray them into your life so that you can live them and enjoy your life to the fullest.
Law of GENES and ANCESTRY:  Everybody has capacity in their gene to behave like their ancestry if GOD does not intervene. What breaks the law of the gene is the DNA that we receive in the kingdom through discipleship. If your discipleship is not strong, your ancestry will dominate your home. Marriage does not stop promiscuity if it is in your natural ancestry, but discipleship can. If you violate and react against the laws of the kingdom, you will empower negative ancestral flows in your life.
Law of AGREEMENT: Why do you disagree with your spouse? Can you submit to him? If you can’t submit to your husband, is it an attitude or witchcraft? You don’t need to agree with your spouse emotionally but by knowledge. The ultimate identity of the wife flows from the husband. The power of agreement shuts the enemy out of your affairs and brings your children under supernatural protection.
Law of MULTIPLICATION: "One shall chase a thousand and two shall chase ten thousand." When a man does not carry his wife along, there is a blind side that the devil will be able to hit them from. You are not designed to face each other to fight but to back each other to fight the enemy. The boxing glove is for the enemy. The enemy is outside and not within. Every quarrel in the family empowers the devil against you and your children. Also, when you look together, you will see life in 3600. Your wife will pick the enemy you can’t see in a woman and among your friends. Develop a mutual respect for each other and each other’s views.  However, do not join each other to do evil. 

Law of MINISTRY: Every partner is in ministry and every marriage is a mission for God. Let your children form their opinion about people on their own. Don’t discuss people in their presence especially in the light of the hurts you have received. Hide your wound from your children. Let them see the good side of life. May the Lord prosper your home in Jesus name.
Prayer: Lord, I receive a fresh baptism of the spirit of wisdom to apply the laws of marriage for my good in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Laws of Marriage(7)

Whoever chooses to break the laws of life only ends up breaking himself. There is therefore serious wisdom in obeying the laws of life to obtain the desired results. We will continue to examine the laws that make marriage work.
Law of CHANGE: Some things must remain constant. Love, honor and respect must not change though body shape and status may change. You must change your mind to accommodate the changes that life will bring to each of you as you grow older.
Law of SPACE: Practice giving each other space regularly. Give yourselves some space by both of you going somewhere on vacation. Let your spouse be alone sometimes. You are married permanently but practice the law of space as this will help you remain fresh and creative.
Law of QUALIFICATION: Every high office has qualifications. In the same way, the position of a husband or wife has qualifications that each must strive to attain to.
Most marriages that need a lot of counseling are marriages of born again people that do not have a Christian marriage and unbelievers that want to have a Christian marriage. Don’t let your spouse enjoy staying outside. You can stay in a wrong marriage for a lifetime but you will be giving wrong templates to your children. Every male starts as a son in a home and grows to become a man, husband and then father. Family headship influences the society in many ways. Marriage is designed for a man that knows God. A man must be in a condition to hear the assignment of God for his family. If a woman finds it difficult to follow a man, there may be error in the choice of marriage partner. If your husband is not spiritual enough, allow him to come under strong leadership and grow. Most marital problems will be solved if there is another person to tell you what to do and both of you agree to obey. Allow the man to be the head that God designed him to be; once you see the head, just follow. The children will be the beneficiary of such headship. The man must ensure that he grows to be a man that is worthy of follower-ship. You are supposed to take your family from glory to glory. 
Prayer: Lord, let your hand rest on my life to become a doer of these principles and get God’s kind of marriage and home in my life. Anoint me for these kingdom patterned experiences in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Monday, May 11, 2015

The Laws of Marriage(6)

We will continue to examine the laws that should govern biblical marriage if you will enjoy it and endure it.

Law of HONOUR: Honour what God has honoured.  It is heresy for a man to tell his wife that is not the only woman in town.  Honour means, to set a value on.  Calling your spouse Daddy or Mummy is honour and respect.  You can use pet names but don't let it be devoid of honor and respect.  When you marry, put your wife in the place of a mother.  She is not displacing or replacing your mother but she must be a mother to your children.  Your mother will nor let your wife be, if you don't draw the line.  When your wife and mother are affecting your marriage it is devastating on the future and will affect your children.  Something is also wrong with you as a man, if that happens in your home.  Your mother has no right to tell you how to arrange your house except witchcraft as take her over.

Law of RESPONSIBILITY: You must know what your responsibilities are.  It is two becoming one and not one divided into two.  Discuss your responsibilities with your spouse fro clarity and focus.  Whatever you were before marriage, discuss with each other.  You are responsible for your parents but a parent that waits for his children to work before he eats is under a curse.  For your grandparents, think of what you can afford.  You are responsible directly for your family, children and your parents.  You are not responsible directly to sponsor the school fees of the children of your step mother or father. You must be a biblical manager of the family fund to have a joint purse. Every child requires a special care from their parents before they can be normal.  You can't treat other children in your house as equal to your child and have your child normal.
You are responsible for your child's emotional development.  Your child needs to be special to you.

Law of BEING THE  RIGHT PERSON: Stop looking for the right person in marriage; you must be the right person.  What does god need me to be for this marriage to work and what does my spouse need me to be?  The biggest mistake is trying to change the other person.  Change what your spouse is complaining about the most.  Everybody can write 10 things that their spouse needs to change but can hardly complete a list of 10 things they need to change.  Marriage will work if you know what you need to change and you change it.  This is simply the act of not being selfish in the relationship.

Prayer: Father, bless these words in my heart and let it bring forth fruits in my life so that I will not disappoint your expectation in my life and family in Jesus' name. Amen.


Laws of Marriage(5)

One of the things God has anointed are the laws that govern the operation of a profitable and blissful marriage.  We shall continue to examine more of the laws of marriage.

Law of LANGUAGE and COMMUNICATION: Don't ever attack your spouse verbally.  Separate the person from the issue.  When it touches your spouse, let it be the communication of love. 
Stop treating your wife like a property that you bought.  75% of your blessing comes when you treat God's daughter well.  Use the law of language to build a powerful relationship with your spouse.  Build intimacy and trust with good use of words.  Decide today that communication in your home will be to improve your love life and help each other.

Law of SOWING and REAPING:  Your spouse is a soil. By nature women are sacrificial.  It is very unusual for a woman to be stingy and selfish.  Marriage is a calling to the life of a farmer, there is a season of sowing and reaping. Every couple and even single must understand this law and approach it with seriousness.  
You cannot reap what you have not sown.  Every man is called into husbandry i.e. cultivation and sowing. How beautiful your marriage becomes is a function of what you decide to sow into each other' s lives.  Great marriages are not created but built.  You can also resolve to stop tearing each other apart and complaining about what is lacking in your spouse and rather start sowing good seeds into each other.

Law of ADAPTABILITY: You must adapt to each other, stop trying to change him.  God will not change your husband or your wife even when you pray about it, but He will change you in order to adapt to the relationship.  Always ask yourself these questions: What must I become for this home to work exceptionally?  What areas of adjustment do I need to focus on so as to be the man or woman that will suit my spouse to make this marriage work?  This is the secret of adaptation!

Prayer: Father , I pray for the wisdom and patience for practical application of the law of language, sowing and reaping and adaptability in my relationship and marriage so as to experience your desire in my home in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Laws of Marriage(4)

Today we will continue to examine the practical laws that make marriage enjoyable.

The law of DEFINITION: Your definition of marriage must be correct. 
Marriage is a divine joining and covenant.  It is not cohabiting, a business arrangement or a family arrangement.  It is not a union proposed by man but God.  It is between a man and a woman and not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Once your definition is in alignment with that of the maker then you are on the road to divine maximization of the blessings of marriage.

The Law of DIFFERENCES: You must understand that men and women are different in everything.  Women speak for fellowship, men speak for information.  If your wife reports a case to you, separate her feeling from the fact.  A woman will tell you what she wants you to hear and not to solve: men listen for conclusion and facts.  A man is like a kerosene fire sexually while a woman is like a charcoal.  
A woman is moved by what she hears but a man is moved by what he sees. The body changes differently.  Men have more bones and muscles so they are stronger than women.  A man wants to be practical but a woman wants to be more beautiful.  When building a house, the man should do the building while the woman decorates the house.  The understanding of this law will help you take advantage of your differences to build up your home such that each one compliments the other.

The Law of LOVE: You must understand what love is to both of you and apply it.  Love gives what the other wants and not what you want.  A woman wants hug without sex, but a man wants hug for sex.  Communication and giving of gifts are expressions of love.  Expressing vocally your love is what a woman appreciates.  Women express love in words and emotions but men express love by actions.

Source: Spirt meat

Laws Of Marriage(3)

GENESIS 2:8-25 ECC. 4:9-11
You cannot impose another set of laws on a game that already has its own laws.
Pains in marriage are warning signals of imposing wrong rules in marriage.  The institution of marriage has more laws than that of love.  It is better for a man to marry a woman that is five years younger than one who is older.  A man must carry and develop leadership force and capacity.  If a man does not have the leadership capacity and development to handle his wife, he will be sowing the seed of divorce.  Love will not make up for the shortages that come from foolish decisions made by a man that his wife is wiser than.  

A pastor cannot apply the rule of submission in this case because after some time the woman will drop the Bible.  Submission by a wife will require a leadership force in place in the husband.  There is a difference between a Christian marriage and other marriages.  It is like a Christian singing gospel music and a worldly musician singing gospel music.  It takes more than fine face to make marriage work.
You may be born again and not have a Christian marriage, but an unbeliever may submit to the laws instituted by God and enjoy his marriage.

Below are some of the Laws of Marriage I will be sharing with you today:

The Law of The WORD of GOD: Every issue in marriage can be handled by the word of God.  The word of God must be the beginning and ending of every issue in that marriage.  This is a major decision that everyone in  marriage must take- to operate marriage by the Law of the Word of God.

The Law of LORDSHIP: Jesus must be the LORD of the life of the individuals involved in marriage.  You should trust JESUS in each other.  An individual will be a victim if the other partner starts leaving Jesus.  You cant monitor or restrict a man from sinning.  It is the fear of the Lord that keeps him from sin.

The Law of PURPOSE:  You must understand God's purpose for marriage. The major help an individual needs to make it in life will be in his spouse. God brings differences together.  What I have and what I lack. Respect flows along the channels if differences and not similarity.  It is not pride to ask for help. It is an attack from the devil to need help and not know it.