
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to reduce quarrels to minimum in relationships and marriage

This devotional will certainly inspire you on how to reduce quarrels and disagreements in relationships and marriages. Be blessed as you read.

My wish

I just want you to pray this morning that our relationships will be what God want it to be. A happy, healthy, inspiring and full of the presence of God.
We all have wishes. We want to love and be loved.
We wish to have that kind of romantic relationship being shown in the pix. If that wish must become a reality, then we will have to start working on it today.
True love still exist today. You are one. I choose to be one for my partner. You too can choose to a true love for your partner. Living daily and enjoying life as designed by God.
Would you like to share with me what your wishes are concerning true love, please do share. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Better experience with lovers' corner

In order to capture a better graphic user interface with this blog, you can either view it in mobile format or web format. However, the webview gives you the full experience with this blog.
I am always working on it to make it what it is supposed to do with God's help. Please keep reading and be inspired. Also remember to leave your comments for they are appreciated with me.
Jide Alo. 

Friday, April 24, 2015


Imagine if everyone love one another with true love?
Imagine everyone who knows the bible obeys it?
Imagine every lady that uses her body in return for money were trained in the way of God?
Imagine aborted babies were allowed to live and fulfill destiny
Imagine parents that divorced and leaving the children to have a distorted view of marriage didn't do that
Imagine if there were no sexually abused children who grew up to hate the gender that abused them
Imagine if there were no people sold out to make x-rated films, magazines,pictures and movies
Imagine if every family members love one another and disagreements are handle in love

The list goes on and on.
Don't you think we would have a perfect world? Or at least individuals who choose to live right have his or her own perfect world.
That perfect world that is desirable begins with each of us doing what God's word says is right and avoid everything that is wrong.
Little things matter much with time.
The little things we do right today will go a long way to make a great difference tomorrow.
In conclusion, we can make the world a better place when we all take responsibilities for ourselves and for our loved ones to ensure that moral standard is maintained with the help of God.
I will like to know what you think, please make your comments as I look forward to it.
Image Credit:

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Each person has his or her fears.
Gamophobia is the fear of getting into a marriage commitment.
If a person has this fear, it can result in getting married late. It can also make the person not want to plan for it.
However, it can be overcome just like other fears.
For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, of love and of sound mind.
If you have the fear, you sure are not alone. But believe you can overcome it. It is well.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Proverbs 21 vs 9
New International Version
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
New Living Translation
It's better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home.
English Standard Version
It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.
New American Standard Bible 
It is better to live in a corner of a roof Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.
King James Bible
It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
Better to live on the corner of a roof than to share a house with a nagging wife. 
International Standard Version
It's better to live in a corner on the roof than to share a house with a contentious woman.
King James Version
It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.

Share your comments below. Thanks.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Love with your heart but think with your mind...Jide Alo

Saturday, April 18, 2015

A hunter or a gardener? Part 1

This is a question young men need to ask themselves everyday when it comes to dealing with female friends and acquaintances. Do you see ladies as an object to derive pleasure or as a wonderful gift of God that deserves love and respect?

Your strength will not be determined by your muscle or by how many muscle packs you have but by the ability to master female dynamics and to bring out the best in them.
If you are hunter will we know and if you a gardener we will know. For by their fruits (results) you shall know them.
Any man can be a hunter and little worth do they command.
However, only few can be a gardener. They are men of honor and dignity. Men of wisdom that are known in the gate. Well respected and cherished.
Bring out the best in the women you have the opportunity to meet or live with.
In that is your strength measured.
If you like this post please make your comments.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I will like to share this thought on Sexual Purity that I found. Please read and be inspired. Share and be a blessing.


You are unique, so is your partner. Comparing your relationship with others' is the beginning of unique self destruction. Jide Alo

Designed To Solve Problems

        Good to share with you again today. I am glad you are here. Smiles.
Do you know that every institution we have today is designed to solve a  problem?
The church is designed to solve spiritual problems, training people to fulfill purpose. The bank is designed to help out on money-related issues. The law court is designed to settle disputes. Technology is designed to make work easier and faster. And you wont be surprised if I tell you that we are equally designed to solve problems.
What then should be our attitude when we are faced with problems?
Is it to begin to configure the face all around like you just sucked lime or to break relationship with friends and loved ones?
Or is it time to stop going to church? No There is a way out.
The way out is all about seeing the problem in the right perspective.
Like my spiritual father once advised, 'see every problem as an opportunity to build relationships and to develop capacity'
        The process of getting a solution to a problem is as important as the solution itself.
Consider for example a lady who is well over 30 and yet is not engaged could be so desperate in getting a man that she says yes to just anybody that eventually comes even when she knows he is not the right person.
The process of waiting develops character in her and the ability to maintain good relationship with men and not just with potential men.
When we know that problems will always come up either in relationships or in life generally, but that they are an opportunity to learn and develop, it would make life more meaningful.
        See yourself as a problem solver wherever you are. When you are able to solve problems, your value increases.
And guess what you will be loved by people and God will be happy that you are taking charge of situations rather than allowing situations to take charge of you.
I hope this inspires you? If it does, please share with others.
Till another time, be creative, be problem solver.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hope for the Lost Sons and Daughters

Hi there, good to share thoughts with you again.
I will like to tell you that there is hope for sons and daughters that are yet to be part of God's special plan.
God delights to bring both young and old, male and female, rich and poor into his eternal plan.
Doesn't it sound good that the creator of the earth has a plan for all of us?
We are not a product of mistake but of the magnificent and incomparable God?
This God whose product we are does not change. His administration does not change. Nobody elects him and nobody can vote him out. The psalmist says 'from generation to generation you are God'. 
So when we build our lives around a God that cannot change, we have hope.
Lets think about the Love of Christ at this time. It is the kind of love that leaves 99 sheep to look for just one sheep that is lost as recorded in Luke 15 vs 1-7.
It is the love that welcomes back a prodigal son when he repents and acknowledges his wrong doings.
It is the love that blesses those that crucify him and said that it should not be counted against them because they knew not what they were doing.
There is hope for the lost sons and daughters today. Christ desires to reconcile us back to him.
If anyone heeds his call and surrenders to his leadership, he would obtain forgiveness and peace that pass human understanding.
Have you lost your relationship with God or you have never had one?
Say this prayer with me:
Lord Jesus,
I acknowledge my sins
I have been living contrary to your will
But I have decided to come you today
Forgive me my sins
Cleanse me by your blood
Make me a son (daughter) in your family
Cause to have a reason to live
I believe you have forgiven me
I live by faith from today
In Jesus name
If you said that prayer from your heart, Christ takes it seriously and expects you to believe he has forgiven you.
He is your hope. Join a bible believing church and be committed to knowing him more.
Till another time, take solace in Christ's Love.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

This is another good friday. A day that reminds the human race of the incomparable love of Christ towards mankind. What do we do today? We need to think about this and let it inspire us to live a love motivated life. The one that is selfless and kind. The one that loves God above all else.
Wherever you are today, whether at work, like me, or on holiday, in church, wherever, lets us take inspiration from this and live a life to this purpose.
Happy Easter in advance.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Someone's imperfection does not disqualify him or her of your love and care. Love is a command.